Integration of museum-digital information
museum-digital provides valuable information about objects associated with a person that is denoted by a persinst ID. This ID can be discovered in Wikidata using the QID and can thus be used by the Botany Pilot in order to obtain and integrate information from museum-digital.
Open questions
- Which endpoints of the md API are relevant?
- What is the response format? What error codes may be returned?
{"objekt_id":1938314, "objekt_name":"Lepsius, Sabine: Portr\u00e4t Emil Gustav Lisco","objekt_inventarnr":"GEM 65\/42","objekt_erfasst_am":"2023-10-05 23:54:15","institution_id":559,"institution_name":"Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin","image":"data\/berlin\/images\/21\/96426-gem_6542\/lepsius_sabine_portraet_e\/200w_lepsius-sabine-portraet-emil-gustav-lisco-96426.jpg","image_height":263,"total":8}
- What part of the response information should be integrated into BP?
- image, objekt_name, objekt_id (for record link), institution_id (for grouping), institution_name
- How should this information be presented?
- tabular form
- (config.php: locally; add API key)
- new: museum_digital.php: information exchange handling
- wikidata_sparql.php: Integrate non-SPARQL API call
- main.php: integrate md information
Work through the open questions and provide solutions and information in the comments and eventually in the description section. -
Add key to local config and update the config template.Not needed anymore (open access). -
Implement museum_digital.php. -
Update wikidata_sparql.php -
Revise main.php file. -
Test the implementation. -
Integrate feedback ( image display,collapse arrow) -
Update the readme.
Edited by Ernst, Marcus